(NC)=Non Cumulative


=75TH=Medal Of Honor 


This is the highest award that can be bestowed to any member of this Regiment.. The trooper has 1 year of continuous and distinguished service to THE REGIMENT.. This award is given to the individual who consistently contributes in a unselfish manner. Factors for this..... positive contribution to game play, representation of the squad in the highest regard., leadership, and respected by peers. this award will be presented by the regimental commander. (NC)

E.D.C. Award
(esprit de corps)

This award is for outstanding  achievment and or unselfish services by a new recruit (min 3 mo's) to his battalion. A full activity report, supporting the award will be presented to the RGT. CDR upon request of the Award.. The  award is given by the recruits BN Commander. (N/C)
The reason for the Ghost on the Award is because when something needs to get done this trooper pops up outta no where to get the job done..

M.V.P. Award
(Most Valuable Player)

This prestigious award is given during each League, Tournament or matche games. Only one person per one type of game will obtain this. Your stats ie (time in zone, flags, score), kills/deaths or a vote from the game team will determine who gets it. (C)

Long Term Service Award           

This is to members who have served under this team for 6 months or longer.(NC)

Team Dedication Award  


This award is for members who participate regularly in matches, forum, and team communications. Also a positive attendance is required. This award will be presented by the Regiment Commander by request from the recipients Battalion Commander. (NC)


Deuxième Année


This award is for members who have passed their second year with the team and have participated regularly in matches, forum, and team communications. Also a positive attendance is required. This award will be presented by the Regiment Commander. (NC)


Outstanding Achievement Award  


This award is to recognize those troopers who consistently perform in a outstanding manner in all phases of the their involvement with the Regiment and their Battalion. This award will be presented by the Regiment Commander by request from the recipients Battalion Commander. (C)


Colonels Bitch Award


This is a very special award for this Regiment. It is designed to take the place of our old "Raw Hide, Studded Thong Award". It is given to those who continue to give of themselves to the team ( showers are included ) and show their support for what the team is trying to accomplish. The individual also shows their interest and effort to make the team stronger by their continuous involvement in things that further the efforts of the Regiment, Battalion or individual troopers by their participation and enthusiasm. This award is given by the Regimental Commander at his discretion or at the request of the Battalion Commander. (C)


Game Play Awards

Recon Award

This is awarded for continuous demostrations of stealth, revealing the coordinates of enemy positions, knifing of snipers and destruction of enemy explosives. This award is given by Squad Leaders. (NC)


Destruction Award

Given to an individual who repeatedly creates mass confusion and utter chaos behind enemy lines. AKA "BASE RAPE AWARD". This award is given by Squad Leaders. (NC)


Sentinel Award

This is given through repeated protection of the terrain, flags, base, and members. This award shows unselfish courage to ones own life for the better of the team. Only achievable through several matches. This award is given by Squad Leaders. (NC)


Demolition Award

This is through continuous expertise or strategical imploying of satchel charges, claymores, or laws. Must have at least 3 kills for a continuance of at least 3 matches. This award will be confirmed by squad members during play. (C)


Meritorious Service Award

This is through repeated show of unselfish play that contributes to the match for the squad. The individual sacfrices his own life to help the team obtain a certain goal. This award will be confirmed by squad members during play. (C)


This award is given for having saved 8 teammates in a map. Must be confirmed by teammates & map must be won. (C)


This award replaces 5 Medic Awards.(C)


 Regimental Commander's Award

This award is given to an individual who, in the opinion of the regiment CDR, has shown OUTSTANDING game play in the winning of a match or scrim with another team. This is a performance award that takes all the factors of that match/scrim into consideration but is not always given for the match/scrim. 
"NOTE" This award is open to "all" game types (tdm, tkoth, ctf, a&d, etc.) (C)


Hermes Award

This medal will be presented to individuals who aquire 5 or more flags during a series of games in a match or league play.
*NOTE* The flags will have to be aquired during the same match. ie 5 maps CTF. (C)


Father Time Award

This medal will be presented to individuals who aquire 27 minutes in the zone over a series of games in a match or league play.
*NOTE* The time will have to be aquired during the same match. ie 3 maps TKOTH. (C)

Father Time Award
This medal replaces 5 Father Time Awards.(C)


Top Gun Award

This medal will be presented to individuals who obtain 1st (first) place at least 3 times over a series of 5 maps duing a match or league play.
*NOTE* This medal is unique to TDM, for its name says it all. (C)


Demo Man

This medal will be presented to individuals who obtain 1st (first) place at least 3 times over a series of 5 maps duing a match or league play.
*NOTE* This medal is unique to A&D, for its name says it all. (C)


Kill Awards 
1x1 Scrims -- Tourneys

This Section Is Only Awarded To An Individual who uses any weapon other than Sniper Rifles as primary weapon

Black Plague Award

This is for achieving 50 plus kills.(C)

Armageddon Award

This is for achieving 75 plus kills.(C)

Rapture Award

This is for achieving 100 plus kills.(C)

*NOTE* To achieve the next level you must tie the kill limit or exceed ie.. 99 kills you will still be classified for the armageddon award. Also deaths cannot exceed nor tie your kills.

Sniper Awards 
1x1 Scrims -- Tourneys

This section is only awarded to an individual who uses 50 cal, 7.62 Rem. or PSG-1 as primary.

Sniper 1 Award

This is for achieving 30 plus kills.(C)

Sniper 2 Award

This is for achieving 40 plus kills.(C)

Sniper 3 Award

This is for achieving 50 plus kills.(C)

Sniper 4 Award

This is for achieving 60 plus kills.(C)

*NOTE* To achieve the next level you must tie the kill limit or exceed ie. 49 kills you will still be classified for the Sniper 2 award. Also deaths cannot exceed nor tie your kills.

Non Sanctioned Events
Novaworld games, public games or private games that aren't sanctioned.

Kill Badges

This is for any weapon other than Sniper Rifles as  primary weapon

Green badge

This is for obtaining at least 30 kills and less than or equal to 15 deaths.

Purple badge

This is for obtaining at least 45 kills and less than or equal to 20 deaths.

Red badge

This is for obtaining at least 60 kills and less than or equal to 25 deaths.

Blue badge

This is for obtaining at least 75 kills and less than or equal to 30 deaths.

Grim Reaper badge

This is for obtaining at least 100 kills and less than or equal to 30 deaths.

All Star badge

This is for obtaining 150 or more kills with less than or equal to 45 deaths.

*NOTE* In between scores do not get rounded up nor down. Only posted Badge requirements will be upheld.

Sniping Badges

This is for use with the 50 cal or 7.62 Rem. or PSG-1 as primary weapon

Bronze Eagle

This is for obtaining at least 25 kills and less than or equal to 10 deaths.

Silver Eagle

This is for obtaining at least 40 kills and less than or equal to 10 deaths.

Gold Eagle

This is for obtaining at least 55 kills and less than or equal to 20 deaths.

Platinum Eagle

This is for obtaining at least 70 kills and less than or equal to 20 deaths.

Diamond Eagle

This is for obtaining at least 85 kills and less than or equal to 25 deaths.

C. Hathcock

This is for obtaining at least 100 kills and less than or equal to 30 deaths.

*NOTE* In between scores do not get rounded up nor down. Only posted Badge requirements will be upheld.

Specialty Badges

For flag running, time in zone, or score

Fleet Foot (CTF)

At least 8 flags with at least a 3:1 ratio for kills/deaths must have at least 15 kills.

No Doze (TKOTH)

At least 15:00 minutes in the zone with at least 3:1 ratio for kills/deaths must have at least 20 kills.

Headhunter (TDM)

At least 3:1 ratio for kills/deaths, must have at least 15 kills and you must be in first (1st) place.

Extreme Merit Badge

By no means is any member required to challenge these badges but by all means please do try :) This is the Extreme section of badges that show your a true die hard to prove your a "bad ass"

Golden Gun Merit

200+kills with less than 30 deaths.

Road Runner Merit

12 or more flags with at least a 6:1 ratio kills/deaths. Must have at least 30 kills.

Old Man Dust Merit

25 minutes in the zone with at least a 10:1 ratio kills/deaths. Must have at least 40 kills.

Wrath of God Merit

1st place (1st) in TDM with 0 (zero) deaths. Must have at least 15 kills.

*NOTE* Extreme Merit Badges must be played only in Nova world games (not public or private) and must have at least 8 players present within the room at score posting. *no exceptions


There is a difference between Medals and Badges..!!!

The badges can only be obtained once. When a greater badge is obtained it will be added to your status. Kill badges and Sniping badges can only reach its highest level. i.e. ... All Star Badge and C. Hathcock. Screen Shot must show 10 players present at score posting. *no exceptions

Awards can be achieved during a scrimmage, match, league, or tournament play. They can be cumulative if listed. They will be noted by (C) meaning they are cumulative. i.e. ... meaning you can get more than one of that award (medal).

Some awards can only be given by the Commanding Officers or the Squad Leaders. The squad leader is the one assigned to be in charge during game play.

All badges must be confirmed through screenshots. Please send those screenshots to Rgt. E-Mail for confirmation.

All screenshots submitted for badges must be played with your team tag on and correctly displayed, i.e. Col75. No exceptions whatsoever.

All awards (medals) and badges can be submitted or obtained from DF1DF2, Land Warrior, Task Force Dagger or Black Hawk Down.

All badges can be obtained (except Extreme Merit Badges) in any server. i.e. Nova world, public, or private that are not sanctioned games. Each room must have at least 8 players present at score posting and OpFor can not comprise anyone else from the Regiment personnel. Extreme Merit Badges can only be obtained in Nova world servers (exclude public or private). No exceptions.